For once in my professional writing life, I’m not talking about a passionate moan.

This time, I mean the high-pitched whine, the tugging on your shirt with tears streaming down the face, the low-toned bitching from across the room that’s a barely discernible mumble but still somehow perfectly understood.


Because my laptop died on my trip through South America…and I’ve been waiting with bated breath for the chance to get my hands on my new lapchild — this Acer Aspire s7 — which will occur precisely on June 15th, 2014.

Laptops die; files are moved; Windows X is forgotten and a new system adopted. It is the circle of life, as anyone with documents and technology is aware.

But it’s annoying, no matter when it strikes. Especially when one is an author and dying to start three new projects that occurred to her in the highlands of Bolivia, all of which are outside of her creative comfort zone and therefore an even more interesting and potentially rewarding challenge.

I will return to American Soil, I will boot my new lapchild, and I will resume regular writing rhythyms.

But until then, I’m going to sit in this corner with my arms crossed and whine a little bit more, because I feel like it.