Does my blog post title even make sense? If it sounds like I forgot English a little bit, let me explain.

I have written a slew of novels. The first of this slew was published in March of 2014, nearly two years ago, by the now-defunct publisher Breathless Press.

That was my debut novel. It stung to watch it disappear as the press went under. My first real publishing merit had dissolved into nothingness.

I had the option to re-publish, re-submit, re-whatever, but I chose not to. Jaded might emerge someday again, but for now, it’s staying tucked under my arm (also known as in my hard drive).

This means that A New York Minute will be my debut novel, for the second time. This (lovely/fun/sexy/tropical) novel will be coming out with Wild Rose Press later this year (release date still unknown). And though it’s my 2nd published novel to date…it still qualifies as my debut.

My re-debut.

Things happen. Presses close or go under, tides change, I get it. And in a way, I’m happy to start anew with my novel debut. As is often the case with genre fiction writers, this next novel is much better, much stronger. And I can’t wait to share it with you all!


A New York Minute

Josh is sexy…and Paige is unamused. TYPICAL, GUYS.

I’ll let you all know ASAP when the release date will be. And until then…enjoy the blurb:

Paige Alexander, successful host of A New York Minute, adores her job and will do anything to save the show that’s her brainchild. But when IBC, fronted by Josh Lambert, buys NYCBC, Paige’s show is cancelled, and her choices are unemployment or a non-starring role on a new show co-hosted by Jerk Lambert, a man who makes her hotter than hell in every way.

Having scaled the golden rungs of the corporate ladder, Josh doesn’t do relationships or complicated. Promised a multimillion dollar payday if he turns Wakin’ Up—the show that replaced Paige’s—into a hit, Josh kisses uncomplicated goodbye when she shows up. The woman fascinates and terrifies in equal measure, and he’s suddenly questioning the value of gold versus the value of her. Forced together in an Hawaiian paradise, the steam just keeps rising—on set, in the sauna, and in the narrowing distance between them.