Hey folks — it’s a pretty Tubular Tuesday. Life is sparkly and fun and crisp as usual, but on top of all that, we’ve added a special layer to the Tuesday Cake. Something of a buttermilk cream frosting that may or may not give you intestinal pain later depending on how long it’s left out.

Today my interview with my publisher, Breathless Press, came out. It’s a little peek into my life, with a pretty juicy excerpt as well. Just one of the many flavors in this Tuesday Pastry.

And then I found this, which I guess is what they call a ‘buy link’? Anyway, you can go pre-order Jaded there, or add it to your wish list, or just look at it for a minute and then navigate somewhere else. All of those activities are encouraged.

Later today, the ice cream accompaniment of this Tuesday Cake will be revealed, which should be a guest post for a different blog. I’ll keep you all updated as more flavors are revealed.

How do we feel about the cake analogy? Yeah? Pretty ridiculous? Okay.